Modifying Web.config and IIS

Changing the maximum object size in System Settings may require modification of the Web.config file in the vFire system directory and the Request Filtering Settings in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Ensure the web.config and IIS Request Filtering Settings are equal to the Max Object Size value set in System Settings.

When an object exceeds the max upload size setting, warning messages are displayed. These vary depending on the source of the limit.

  1. Access the web.config file.
  2. The WEB.CONFIG file exists in each vFire system directory (e.g.: C:\Program Files\Alemba\vFire\System1) and is required to be set for the virtual directory to access the vFire Core system.

  3. Locate the following line: <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="100000" executionTimeout="1800" />.
  4. Change the maxRequestLength to a value (in KB) equal to the maximum object size configured in vFire. The maximum value supported for web.config is 2147483647.
  5. In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, select the website for the vFire system.
  6. Select Request Filtering.
  7. From the Actions menu, select Edit Feature Settings.
  8. Change the Maximum allowed content length (Bytes) field to a value (in Bytes) equal to the maximum object size configured in vFire.
  9. Large uploads may timeout before completion depending on environmental factors such as IIS configuration or network limits. Extend the connection time out to an appropriate length of time.
  10. Reset the IIS.

When you upgrade, some of these settings can be overwritten and need to be set again.